Thursday, January 30, 2014

Faryill Sourcebook Review

                Greetings ! This is Mr. John Mascola. I have been in the Roleplaying hobby for well over thirty-years. In my travels, I have had the unique honor and distinction of meeting a unique genius named Mykal Lakim. He has created, in my humble opinion, one of the most unique live action roleplaying game ever, Vampire Undeath. Today, I would like to comment upon one of the awesome sourcebooks, The Faryill Sourcebook.
          The Faryill Sourcebook is in use with the live action roleplaying game Vampire Undeath. The Sourcebook itself is an awesome toolkit for any player that is can be used very easily for either new or beginners. One simply can pick up any of the well written and well-crafted works from Dark Phoenix Publishing.
          The Faryill Sourcebook contains within its grand pages is a very unique blend of philosophy and multiple mythologies concerning the Faryill. These Vampires revere Mother Nature herself, and even acting upon the very complex sublimities that Mother Nature represents, the Serene Savage. Life and even unlife always has a certain point of view depending on how you see life. The Faryill vampires hold a variety of different philosophies of how nature and the Vampire are interrelated. If you are very interested, Get the book.
          The Faryill Sourcebook is chock full of powers and abilities that any player character that could only but begin to dream of. They are so well thought out and simple yet powerful in its darkened majesty. I am NOT going to reveal them to you gentle reader. That in of it would be far too easy. If you are indeed interested, get The Book! If you dare. LOL !
          In closing, this is yet another fine product taken with great care and attention taken from its greatest resource, YOU. Mykal Lakim is a very approachable gentleman who asks, “What do YOU want to play?” He takes great care and consideration of his fan base. Taking everything that YOU the fans needs and wants that combines them into an awesome live action roleplaying game with YOU in mind. That makes an excellent game publisher.
          Thanks again in taking the time in reading. Keep Rollin’ 20!

John Mascola

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Embrace Your Demons Contest!

January 31st through February 28th, Dark Phoenix Publishing is hosting the first annual Embrace Your Demons Contest! Enter in the contest to win free games from Dark Phoenix Publishing. No purchase necessary. All that is required is a name, email address and a short description letting us know what you love about our games or why you should win! It's that easy! The winners of the Grand Prize win every RPG published by Dark Phoenix Publishing and other prizes, runners up win a Vampire: Undeath Corebook and other prizes. Stay tuned for more information!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Well It's Monday...

Time for new updates! We've tossed around the idea of hosting the Masquerade Ball again. We've just got so much on our plate this year it's nuts. We spoke with the cinematics guys about getting some CG stuff for the website and some teasers done for our Youtube channel. We've given some thought to the Deluxe books and our stance against doing them in PDF. The biggest worry with PDF is Torrenting. When we released Vampire: Undeath, there must have been a few hundred people making posts about how they bought it so they'd just send their friend a copy. Everyone has this problem. All you have to do is go to a torrenting site, type in what you want and bam!, you can have it. Besides, nothing beats the way a book feels, looks or smells. You can hold it in your hands and flip through the pages and really get a good feel for it.

In other news, we saw some new likes on our Facebook page, things shot up some 400% which was nice. The page has been kind of neglected with all that's going on. We had to get contracts sent out for the film adaptation, send out more nondisclosures for shoot locations, get the cinematics guys ready, spoke with billboard advertisers, got a hold of The Hilton so we could check on costs for the Masquerade Ball and spoke with some of our writer friends about getting Deluxe Vampire done and out the door.

In book-related news, Celestials, Hunters, Obia and Eligiere are waiting on art and they should be out soon. Raquel Looker is having a birthday so there may be a sale on our products to help celebrate! She's also done some modeling for Vampire and we had a ton of fun at the shoot! She's been really busy between her normal editing and writing duties as she took responsibility for the Case Files for Seraphina, our Conspiratorial Horror/Survival book on mental phenomena. It's been a lot of fun collaborating on that and coming up with stories, characters and describing how each affects a vampire. All-in-all, Seraphina will add a dimension to Vampire: Undeath previously unseen and continue to show how life within Damnation is so dark.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Eligiere Update

The Eligiere Sourcebook has been in the works for some time. Nearly a year now, and we had to stop production on the Sourcebook due to a lull in time and funds. The end of 2013 was a bit bumpy trying to get everything done from signing contracts and negotiating shoot locations for Blood Legacies to getting more writers signed on for the Deluxe Vampire: Undeath Corebook. The Eligiere Sourcebook, like so many of our books is getting a facelift from the original draft, created back between 1999-2002. Nearly every book we're putting out was originally created over a decade ago, playtested in a private group and now they're getting the love they deserve. Just earlier today I spoke with one of the first playtesters who was eager to hear about how we've been doing. It was great to hear from him and he's committed to playing in the Official Event as often as we run one. The support from the fans is just great, especially when they're fans we've had and held onto for nearly ten years.

Cruising through the Sourcebook we're already on Chapter Two. Raquel Looker started the editing and proof reading process. As usual John Mascola and some of the other fans got sneak peeks at the Sourcebook and as Brad Gilbert put it, "I've always liked your game over any other. I know your game has changed a lot, been finely detailed and such." As an entertainer catching up with Brad was nice. As he put it, "we both work hard to take people away from their worries, if even for a shot while, and bring them joy, with entertainment."

Eligiere is about vampires who are immersed in the world of finance. As the Sourcebook describes them: "When you choose to play an Eligiere, keep in mind you are the vampire who leads by example, you are the corporate asshole who kicks in the door and makes things happen. You are the alpha in this word and you don't take shit from anyone. If you've seen Daybreakers, study Sam Neill's character, Charles Bromley. Watch and study Wolf on Wall Street and pay attention to Leonardo DiCaprio's character Jordan Belfort. Those are two prime examples of Eligiere in the modern nights. One more outgoing (Jordan) while the other is more traditional (Charles) but still, Eligiere to their core.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Obia Update

There's been a lot of questions running around concerning the upcoming Obia Sourcebook. The bloodline first appeared in the Vampire: Undeath Corebook described as being vampires descended from the Bucoli, instructed by their founder Felon. There are little hints about Aesma Dheva and the Shadow World but not much else, aside from their Dark Gift which allows them to manipulate shadows. Well and update is here to let you know how that book is coming along.

Are the Obia vampires?
Yes. The word vampire in Damnation means a creature who feeds off of another and steals/takes a lifeforce. Typical vampires steal blood and absorb the lifeforce in the blood to survive. The Obia are no different. They originated as Thralls and ventured into the Shadow World where they encountered horrors not known to any other vampire. Not much is known about how they came back but what is known is that they are seen as a kind of night terror, slinking through shadows and traveling using darkness. They may move about freely from one point to another using shadows and any area where it is currently dark. They can even affect the world around them, causing it to become more dark, giving shadows more texture, thinning the realms for a moment. They seem to be able to command the shadows that have become a part of their very being and are able to feed using this darkness.

In West Africa, the Obia are known as "night creatures" which can be summoned by witches to murder small children. In Jamaica they are known as beings who sold their soul to the devil for eternal life to amass riches. Some tribal peoples refer to the Obeah Man as a symbol of fear, power and respect. Other cultures discuss these Shadow People and attempt to discern what they represent, what they want and what their goals are.

What do they feed off of? 
In the world of Damnation, much isn't known about what they feed from. Their victims are typically healthy, young individuals with everything going for them. Their bodies are perfectly in-tact with no sign of damage. Their blood is in their body and toxicology reports come back 100% normal. However, for the vampire who attempts to feed on the recently deceased victim, there is no sustenance to be had. This act causes great alarm for members of the Vampire Nation who have scientists across the globe working to discover what happened. Obia are very secretive and do not always appear in a territory or domain.

Popular Rumors
It is rumored that the Obia are the Shadow People of legend and superstition. It is believed they know who is thinking about them and who is talking about them. It is generally believed that they are made of shadows themselves, existing in a plane between the Shadow World and our own. Some believe they feed on the soul of their victim while others suspect they don't feed at all. Whatever happened in the Shadow World, the events had a profound impact on their existence.

The Dark Gift of shadows and darkness, Umbris is wielded by the most secretive of societies, Covens, Houses and Bloodlines in the modern world: The Obia. Umbris, literally the absence of light or the reduction of light on a subject or given area, takes it’s user into the dark and dank underworld of reality. Granting the power to choke out light from a given area is often misunderstood for a lesser ability. When others scoff at the very thought, they only see it at face value -the power to dim light and cause other things to appear more dim than they really are.

The ability to alter/change the amount of reflected visible photons has caused quite a stir in both the mortal world as well as the supernatural realm, when denizens are instantly blinded by utter darkness where they had previously been able to see without any hindrance.

When a user takes up the mantle of the Obia, they first are challenged to empower themselves with the ability to bend, change and alter natural darkness. Then, once this has been mastered, they are able to summon supernatural darkness, choking the light and eventually the very lie from objects and creatures.

1. Dim/Brighten
2. Release Shadows
3. Summoning
4. Creative Mind
5. Abyssal Mastery

UPDATE January 11th, 2014:
When asked to review early material for the upcoming Obia Sourcebook, Kirin King had this to say: "It's really good, I like the detail, description, and all of the resources too."

When asked if she thought fans would enjoy the book, her response was: "For beginners it's a lot to take in but it would be easy to get the hang of, for seasoned players...hell yes it gives a great back story and a lot of ways to use it."

A Thank-You to Kirin King for taking a look and giving such kind words.

UPDATE #2 January 12th 2014: We've got a cover for the book completed as well as the first 50 pages of the book. Most of the details which will shape the book are complete, as are most powers. Similar to the Bucoli, the Bloodline they descend from, Obia will be able to use and shape Darkness, a primordial element they may shape in a similar manner to the Daemoni and Bucoli's Blood Magic. A preview of the cover is posted below.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014, So What's New?

2014 just got here so what's new? Well, the Cherche Sourcebook is almost ready to go up for sale. Had we rushed it we could have had it done in time but we've learned some lessons on rushing projects. Lilliana is closer and should be done by April. Eligiere is getting ready to go into production as it was delayed. We did a shoot today with Raquel Looker and got two new pieces of artwork. Here are the examples.
Photo by Mykal Lakim. Model: Raquel Looker. © 2014 Dark Phoenix Publishing, all rights reserved. No unauthorized copying, duplicating or re-posting without permission. 

Photo by Mykal Lakim. Model: Raquel Looker. © 2014 Dark Phoenix Publishing, all rights reserved. No unauthorized copying, duplicating or re-posting without permission.

Celestials: War of Ages Progress Report

Bringing you another sneak peek to start 2014 off with a bang. Celestials is mainly about the War of Ages, that is, a war that has been going on since the beginning of time. Historically, the Seraphim and Principalities tell the story of Lucifer's Fall and how Michael and the Celestial Guard threw them out of Heaven, defeating their armies. Many angels do not know what happened, either being too young or from not being there. What is known among all of Heaven is that Falling will earn you a one-way ticket to Earth where you are doomed to be cut-off from Heaven and the Celestial Choirs. As an angel you are sent to earth where you are an agent of Heaven, sent to defeat the Fallen and disrupt their influence on mankind.

Heaven Lies
As an angel you quickly discover the world is not the way you were told. Humans are at an all-time low. Many do not believe in God and those who do are desperate and thirsting for contact. The Heavenly Mandate states explicitly that no angel may have direct contact with mankind and doing so pushes an angel away from Heaven and closer to Falling.

The Celestial Writing
Celestials have powers which function based on Sigils and Runes. This magical writing affects reality, causing changes in the Divine Fabric of reality. Sigils are the powers of the Heralds, set up on a 1-5 Point Tier much like the Dark Gifts of vampires and powers of other supernatural creatures. Each Sigil stands for a power which may be cast by writing the Sigil into the air or invoking it through the use of tattoos which adorn the Celestial. Runes are a lower form of Sigils which represent a single use, much like Rituals.

Copyright 2010-2014, Dark Phoenix Publishing. Celestial Sigils may not be duplicated or displayed without permission. 

Above you will see an example of Sigils. Each Sigil represents a power the Celestial may tap into. Wisdom for instance may be written in the air and invoked to empower the Celestial with Wisdom which may be purchased much like other supernatural powers.

The Fallen
The Celestials Corebook will discuss The Fallen to give the player an idea of how an angelic character can Fall. There are certain rumors concerning the Magi, human Thaumaturgists and other magical willworkers. Is this a preview for Mage: Legacies? You'll find out.

In Closing
Celestials was playtested in 2010 by our playtesters and first released to our audience then. The release of the Celestials Corebook is a re-release of information which has been in playtesting or development for some time. We hope you enjoy the book as we cover all Celestials including Angels, Demons and Djinn from all over the world and every Faith in an attempt to bridge the material in a fun and unique way.