Time for new updates! We've tossed around the idea of hosting the Masquerade Ball again. We've just got so much on our plate this year it's nuts. We spoke with the cinematics guys about getting some CG stuff for the website and some teasers done for our Youtube channel. We've given some thought to the Deluxe books and our stance against doing them in PDF. The biggest worry with PDF is Torrenting. When we released Vampire: Undeath, there must have been a few hundred people making posts about how they bought it so they'd just send their friend a copy. Everyone has this problem. All you have to do is go to a torrenting site, type in what you want and bam!, you can have it. Besides, nothing beats the way a book feels, looks or smells. You can hold it in your hands and flip through the pages and really get a good feel for it.
In other news, we saw some new likes on our Facebook page, things shot up some 400% which was nice. The page has been kind of neglected with all that's going on. We had to get contracts sent out for the film adaptation, send out more nondisclosures for shoot locations, get the cinematics guys ready, spoke with billboard advertisers, got a hold of The Hilton so we could check on costs for the Masquerade Ball and spoke with some of our writer friends about getting Deluxe Vampire done and out the door.
In book-related news, Celestials, Hunters, Obia and Eligiere are waiting on art and they should be out soon. Raquel Looker is having a birthday so there may be a sale on our products to help celebrate! She's also done some modeling for Vampire and we had a ton of fun at the shoot! She's been really busy between her normal editing and writing duties as she took responsibility for the Case Files for Seraphina, our Conspiratorial Horror/Survival book on mental phenomena. It's been a lot of fun collaborating on that and coming up with stories, characters and describing how each affects a vampire. All-in-all, Seraphina will add a dimension to Vampire: Undeath previously unseen and continue to show how life within Damnation is so dark.
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