The Eligiere Sourcebook has been in the works for some time. Nearly a year now, and we had to stop production on the Sourcebook due to a lull in time and funds. The end of 2013 was a bit bumpy trying to get everything done from signing contracts and negotiating shoot locations for Blood Legacies to getting more writers signed on for the Deluxe Vampire: Undeath Corebook. The Eligiere Sourcebook, like so many of our books is getting a facelift from the original draft, created back between 1999-2002. Nearly every book we're putting out was originally created over a decade ago, playtested in a private group and now they're getting the love they deserve. Just earlier today I spoke with one of the first playtesters who was eager to hear about how we've been doing. It was great to hear from him and he's committed to playing in the Official Event as often as we run one. The support from the fans is just great, especially when they're fans we've had and held onto for nearly ten years.
Cruising through the Sourcebook we're already on Chapter Two. Raquel Looker started the editing and proof reading process. As usual John Mascola and some of the other fans got sneak peeks at the Sourcebook and as Brad Gilbert put it, "I've always liked your game over any other. I know your game has changed a lot, been finely detailed and such." As an entertainer catching up with Brad was nice. As he put it, "we both work hard to take people away from their worries, if even for a shot while, and bring them joy, with entertainment."
Eligiere is about vampires who are immersed in the world of finance. As the Sourcebook describes them: "When you choose to play an Eligiere, keep in mind you are the vampire who leads by example, you are the corporate asshole who kicks in the door and makes things happen. You are the alpha in this word and you don't take shit from anyone. If you've seen Daybreakers, study Sam Neill's character, Charles Bromley. Watch and study Wolf on Wall Street and pay attention to Leonardo DiCaprio's character Jordan Belfort. Those are two prime examples of Eligiere in the modern nights. One more outgoing (Jordan) while the other is more traditional (Charles) but still, Eligiere to their core.
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