Monday, February 4, 2013

Mortals Playtest 2013

      The alarm clock went off as usual at four AM waking me for work. I crawl out of bed and barely make it to the shower. All I can think of is how these hours are killing me. Taxes just went up so I'm now paying 44% of my wages to the goddamn government. I get dressed and head downstairs where I find salvation in the coffee.
      Slumping down in my chair I turn on the news to catch the last ten minutes of some guy in a suit telling me how taxes are going up and unemployment is going along with it. "Great" I smirk as I drink the rest of my coffee. In the last four years, the president hasn't done shit for this country except allow more jobs to dry up. Now I'm killing myself working 60 hours a week at the plant just to make ends meet and I live in the ghetto. One day, I keep telling myself, I'm going to move out of here and go somewhere nice. Of course that day will probably be a pipe dream if these hours don't improve.

      At work I'm standing in line at the time clock, half awake, exhausted and overworked. By the time I finish my yawn there's Kevin walking over. You can tell he had a good night from the scowl on his ugly mug.
      "What's with you?" I say as I grab my timecard.
      "Nothing, what's with you? Still can't sleep?"
      "Na. The doc says it's just fatigue but I keep getting this feeling that something's going to happen. He tells me it's anxiety and gives me some pills that are supposed to calm them. I say it's these 60 hour weeks we're working." I kick back two pills as I put my timecard in its' place.
       "Man I tell ya, you and every other guy in here has anxiety. John started drinking again but don't tell his wife." Kevin jokes but his words are pretty dead on. I mean, is this what it's come to? No one feels right, everyone's on edge. They say crime's gone up 25% but just last week three plants closed down. Something's not right with the world. It's like all of the happiness has been sucked out of it.
      "Did I tell you what Jason found?" I start as we head over to our machines.
      "A girlfriend?" Kevin jokes.
      "Na. He was trying to tell me monsters live in the cemetery. He was trying to tell me all of the grass is dying and the rose bushes are black."
      "The grass is always dead at a cemetery. They're always creepy and dark from all that death."
       Kevin's right. I'll just tell Jason to stay away from  the cemetery  Last thing we need is him getting hurt. My insurance doesn't kick in for another month.

For more on playtesting mortals in your game, CLICK HERE.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Werewolf Playtest 2013

The sun went down and I knew the leeches would be up any time now. I splashed some water on my face and looked hard in the mirror. With my hands gripping the sink I had to concentrate to conceal my inner beast. My eyes shifted and the wolf peeked out again. Gritting my teeth together my fangs receded and I had control again. Every morning is the same, I wake up, the beast challenges me and I fight it for control. As the moon gets closer and closer to being full I always have this worry in the back of my mind. Will I lose control and tear apart a girl scout? Will I be strong enough to control it in public? What if a leech finds me and I have to stand my ground? These are not easy thoughts to have for someone like me.

I leave the bathroom and throw the hand towel on the hamper as I walk out. Grabbing my jacket and keys it's a quick trip down the stairs before I'm out the door and heading towards Griffin Park. That's where the Elders will be holding The Gathering. It's got this great overlook where you can see the river and it's quiet. The sound of the city is almost dead to the world and the sound of nature comes back to you.

Walking down the street I can smell everything for nearly a block. It assaults my nose as if I were face-to-face with it. You can't escape it. It's just there. I can smell her perfume before the woman in the dress is even visible to me. I can smell the cigarette from the taxi up the street two blocks when the wind blows carrying the scent downwind. I can even hear the heartbeats of the humans as they pass by me on the street, oblivious that anything was wrong with their world. They walk by with their body ordor and cheap cologne  probably going to the bar or over to see some crush and I'm going to a park to hear what the Elders have to say about this growing problem of vampires in our territory. I mean sure, we could take them, but exposing ourselves is dangerous. We have a few cops and some important people in our pocket but they have this network. They're in deep like a parasite in your gut. The only way to get it out is bloody, dangerous and requires precision surgery from a talented hand. That's why the Elders call the shots. Last week some pup found himself a leech and thought he was hot shit. Went after it like a dog to a bone, growling and snarling out obscenities. Before his brothers could stop him he was snatched up by the Cherche, a rogue gang-like group of vampires who run around like the world is their playground. One was up on a fire escape waiting with a tow chain noose while the others were in hiding. The pup was too busy thinking with his wolf and not with his head. Next thing you know, the chain snatched him by the throat and the others sprang from the shadows tearing him apart. Shifting didn't do much good against a pack of wild vampires. Those leeches ripped him apart using axes and machetes and took off on their sportbikes before anyone knew what happened. By the time his brothers heard his yells the Cherche were gone and the pup was already shifting back postmortem. That is why we have rules, that is why we run as a pack and that is why those fuckers are going to die.

For more on playtesting a werewolf in your game, CLICK HERE.