Sunday, March 16, 2014

Seraphina Sourcebook Update

As you may know if you've been following our website or Facebook page, we've been revamping our material which was originally released between 1999-2004 through playtesting and building our universe. By 2009 most of the playtesting was finished with the mythos-based books. One of the books we released teasers for was Seraphina, a book about a vampire in a mental hospital ran by the brilliant Doctor Baal Rinn Le'Ceth.

In the teaser, Seraphina is a vampire that, for an unknown reason, was brought to the care of Dr. Le'Ceth to understand her nature and how to control her powers. As players comb through the book, they are introduced to the Asylum where she is being kept and Room 104. Information in the book alerts players to the subconscious infection that is Seraphina and the Silent Hill inspired "disease" that she infects others with, causing massive hallucinations and psychic phenomena. Yesterday, we released a cover and layout for the upcoming book on our Facebook page to see what fans thought.

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