So we sent out a few copies of the Fallen Sourcebook: The Devils of Hell to see what people thought. Most of the private reviews were full of good chatter and praise but the response on Google+ was mostly, "can we get links to these reviews?" While the idea of a link to a private review makes me scratch my head, I decided the next best thing I could do is provide screenshots of what people were saying about the material. We've got an interview coming up and several reviews being done on the series as a whole, up to this point but we'll get to that later. Right now we're going to focus on showing screenshots of what people were saying when we showed them the book and asked a few simple questions about the book. We sat down with Andy Cox and asked him what he thought of the book and this is his response.
Thanks Andy! We're still waiting on John Mascola's review and a few others but we'll make sure to post what we can to show how these people felt about each book they were reviewing and what the general thought is. Once again, we see that charging $9.99 for a book isn't a bad price for a book around 100 pages. The Fallen Sourcebook: The Devils of Hell expands the Celestials: War of Ages Corebook and builds off of both the aforementioned Corebook and the Obia Sourcebook for Vampire: Undeath. Thanks for checking out this review and we'll update and add more once they come in.
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